Welcome to the Pediatric Heart and Brain Research Program!
Brain Injuries Drop 20% for Babies with Heart Defects
Our recent publications!
Fetal circulatory physiology and brain development in complex congenital heart disease: A multi-modal imaging study


Our philosophy is to take a longitudinal approach, beginning in fetal life, to understand and improve neurodevelopmental outcomes and quality of life in children with congenital heart disease.

Newborn babies with complex congenital heart disease (CHD) are surviving into adulthood with advances in surgical and peri-operative care. Many of these children face neurodevelopmental difficulties as they grow older. Over the last 20 years our group has focused on using multi-modal brain imaging starting in utero, at birth and later in life to understand how the brain develops, risk factors for brain injury and targets for intervention to optimize outcomes. We are a multi-disciplinary group with a common goal of helping children with CHD grow and thrive. We appreciate the partnerships we have developed with the Pediatric Heart Center, Intensive Care Nursery and most importantly all the families and patients that make this research possible. 

Where are our families located? Take a look!